Friday, October 25, 2013

Preparing for Marriage

Everyone wants to have this fairytale life with the person that we love and want to spend the rest of their lives with that person.  Thats just a great thing, but sometimes we forget about the process leading up to this. Dating can just be the worst sometimes.  It is probably one of the most confusing and frustrating processes on this earth.  However, we can make it the best!  I have had many dating experiences in my life some great that lead to marrying my best friend, and some so negative that I just cried.  The thing that we have to realize is that people have these unwritten rules for dating that are just sometimes ridiculous.  When I was dating my now husband I thought that the boy needed to make the first move and plan the first couple of dates and then once I knew he liked me thats when I would decide to plan a date and take him out!  Everybody's situation is going to be different, and boys will be boys and girls will be girls.  What everyone really wants it to just be shown that they are loved and cared for by that person.  That doesn't mean that we leave it all up to our partner because they need to be shown love just the same as we do.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week of October 14-18 Post

This week we talked a lot about many different subjects that all kind of came together in the end.  One of my favorite discussions that we had was about how we are each separate genders and that we all have roles in these genders.   In each of our families each of us could have a different role and they are decided by ourselves or other people in our family.  For instance, in my family, I was just made into be the peacemaker of the family.  My mom would ask to solve the problems with the little kids and then it just became my duty sort of, whenever there was a problem I just always couldn't handle it and I would have to put a stop to it. We all have something different about is and we all differ from each other even in our families. We then talked about how our lives would have been different if we were born the other gender.  We talked about how the roles we would have had would have been different and then we would have been punished differently.  Everything about how we were raised would have been backwards.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Social Class and Culture Diversity

During class this week we talked about different social classes and whether or not you can move up or down through out class levels.  We watched at least 3 different videos about real people and their experiences in life and where they thought they stood on the social class level.  It was really hard to watch one of the videos that I did because it was all about a family that was at the very bottom of the lowest social class.  Her oldest son was really defiant to the fact that they were in that class.  He would tell his younger brother and mom that he didnt want to be seen with them because they dont dress nice, only because they cant afford too.  In my opinion I think that you can change social class levels I just think that it would be difficult to be accepted in the different levels.  I watched another video about a woman whose job was to train low class people on how to act to be a high class lady and to change everything they did. I think that all of this is very interesting yet I am not sure how effective and life altering it is.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Family Dynamics

I love taking this Family Relations class, I seriously learn so much just about how people in general work and how I can understand them and be a better person.  I have also realized that there are things in my marriage and family life that I can change to be so much better.  I was thinking about how lucky I am to have the family that I do and so I thought I would share some pictures of my family with everyone. This is my parents, 4 brothers , and 2 sisters (one being sister in law, but i love her just the same.) and my amazing husband.  I love him so much, i'm kind of obsessed with him ;)

I have learned this week about the roles in families and how each person is there own self however we all have a separate individualistic role to keep our families together.  For instance I know that I was the "older sister" and I played that role and then I gained a new role and I played the peacekeeper.  I felt like when my brothers were fighting that I had to step in or they would just fight until the death. I also know that all of my other siblings had roles that they played and it definitely kept the family dynamic there.